Practical Modern Sendmail Configuration
by David Bank CNE, CCSE, CCNA
v1.50 (2007-Nov-11)
© 2005-2007 David Bank

 [Myths]     [Using .mc]     [Other Configuration Files]     [Summary]     [Reference]

Myths of sendmail

The sendmail mail router is one of the oldest software stacks still in wide use on the 'Net. It should be little wonder that there's a wide variety of myths about it. The two most prevalent seem to be:

As with all long-lived myths, the staying power derives from a grain of truth.

For example, in 1995, sendmail was practically the only SMTP MTA. Those were the days of sendmail v8.7, when it was still a monolithic process that ran as root and the code was rife with buffer overruns. By default, it was an open relay.

Moreover, configuration was a black art involving hacking, and the uninitiated sendmail administrator usually asked a friend for a copy of a working and hacked it until it worked in the new environment. Then they were afraid to touch it, because when they touched it, it almost always broke.

That was then - this is now.

Modern sendmail gives up its root privileges as soon as is practical, meaning that exploits have a harder time compromising a sendmail process in a privileged state. The modern program architecture separates the more-vulnerable Mail Submission Program (MSP) component, which can run un-privileged, from the Message Transfer Agent (MTA) component. By default, sendmail refuses to run when presented with group- or world-writable paths or files, a regrettably common sysadmin mis-step that was the actual cause for many compromises blamed on sendmail (the tendency of some sysadmins to run such insecure configurations gave rise to the aptly named confDONT_BLAME_SENDMAIL configuration option). A custom restricted shell (smrsh) can contain the code even further, and newer tools, such as Novell's AppArmor [] can provide even more protection (and not just for sendmail).

Configuration is much easier with the m4 macro-based .mc files, and it's now possible to document configurations and transport them reliably between versions and platforms. The default configuration prohibits relaying, which must now be explicitly enabled. As someone who spent 9 years hacking, I have no desire to return to that method - using the macros is much easier.

So when evaluating modern sendmail, don't fall for the old myths and legends. Consider its modern incarnation and how it works today.

Configuration with the .mc configuration files

The heart of modern sendmail configuration is the .mc configuration files, and These are written using the m4 macro syntax, which is also the syntax for syslog.conf, SELinux and other configuration files. They are used to generate and, respectively.

Modern sendmail has two components, one being the Message Transfer Agent, or MTA, which listens on TCP/25 and exchanges E-Mail with other MTAs. The Mail Submission Program, or MSP, is a special MTA instance that listens (by default) on TCP/587 and is designed for Mail User Agents (MUAs), like PINE, Thunderbird and Evolution, to submit E-Mail for delivery by the MTA. The MTA and its MSP instance can operate independently. The term MUA, as used here, is generic and includes “Mail Submission Agents”, or MSAs. is the configuration file associated with the MTA instance of sendmail, and is the default configuration file read by the sendmail executable, absent any parameters to the contrary. is the configuration file for the MSP instance, and the -Ac parameter on the sendmail invocation instructs sendmail to read instead of

Assumptions and Standards

This paper assumes that you are running a modern version of sendmail on a Linux, UNIX or UNIX-like (e.g. AIX) platform. “modern” is defined as sendmail v8.12.10 or later (sendmail v8.12.10 should be considered the absolute oldest version that should be used on any Internet-connected host). As of this writing, the current version is v8.14.2. The reader is encouraged, in the strongest possible terms, to upgrade anything older than v8.13. Also, sendmail has been successfully built and installed, or was installed from a package or as part of the OS install. Finally, however you got sendmail, you have the necessary m4 macro files and programs needed to generate the .cf files.

The sendmail software stack has its own standards as to where it wants to be installed. Maintainers of pre-built packages may or may not override those. I prefer to build sendmail from source, and I let sendmail install where its defaults for the particular OS tell it to install. There's too many things that expect sendmail to be a particular place, and sendmail is so sensitive to directory modes and file ownerships, that it's generally best to let it install where it wants to. In the modern sendmail environment, the configuration files and database maps are usually in /etc/mail.

Solaris Admins: I note in passing that the Sun-supplied builds of sendmail usually have NIS/NIS+ support enabled. This is a compile-time option and there's no real handy way to turn it off in the run-time configuration. Sun also seems to hard-code things like the service.switch file, and trying to set that at run-time may not be effective. Further, Sun-supplied packages are usually outdated (especially for Solaris v8 and earlier). My advice is that you pkgrm the Sun-supplied sendmail packages and build/install new ones. Pre-compiled sendmail in Solaris package format can be found at Sun Freeware [].

Linux Admins: Some modern Linux environments overlay sendmail configuration with other tools, such as SuSEconfig or WebMin. This paper assumes you're directly configuring sendmail, and not relying on an overarching configuration tool. If you prefer to use those other tools, then consult their documentation concerning sendmail configuration options. Note that some tools may not offer you the ability to configure sendmail fully, or make use of all the capabilities shown in this paper.

Before You Begin

While the purpose of this paper is to show you how to configure sendmail, it is not an all-inclusive or exhaustive guide to doing so. The configuration options highlighted in this paper, and in the sample files, are generally selected as reasonable candidates for adjustment; there are many more options than are shown.

However, it is inadvisable to adjust any configuration item unless the reason for doing so is fully understood, along with the possible consequences of the change. The fact that sendmail is highly configurable is simultaneously the source of its greatest strength and its most humbling weakness. If you aren't sure what a configuration option does, then leave the setting at the default.

Vendor-supplied sendmail Configurations

Few vendors do sendmail any favors when it comes to the default configuration files included in their distributions. Most vendors that include a sendmail build provide either a without the corresponding file, or provide a file that is poorly written, and usually undocumented. Frequently, the vendor-provided configurations omit important options, mis-order the macros (see the next section), and/or fail to properly utilize configuration parameters.

If you choose to use a vendor-supplied build of sendmail rather than building your own, use the example configuration files associated with this paper as an alternative to the vendor-supplied files. Few vendors, if any, supply reasonably intelligent sendmail configurations.

.mc file blueprint

The .mc files are a series of macro definitions. Getting into the mechanics of m4 is outside of the scope of this paper (some helpful information is in Sendmail, Chapter 4.1.2, Page 147), but with respect to sendmail, one important thing is the order of the macros in the and files. Quoting the Sendmail text (Chapter 4.2.3, Page 155), you should use the following order (the relevant Chapter for the macro or macros is shown in parentheses):

This paper will begin by exploring the architecture of a with some example entries from each type.

The Header

Everyone documents their configuration files and tracks changes, right? This is a simple documentation header.

dnl # * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
dnl # Author: Your name here
dnl # File: for the hostname
dnl # Change Log:
dnl # Who  When        What
dnl # ---- ----------- --------------------------------------------


These are the first “real” statements in the

The VERSIONID macro allows you to put a string into the (and to track its version. It can be almost anything you want - one limit is that the string cannot contain a CR character. This macro is not required, but revision control should be as important as commenting. This is an exemplar:

VERSIONID(`$Id:,  vsendmail version    year/month/day    HH:MM:SS    your name    Exp $')dnl

The OSTYPE macro is required, and selects from a number of pre-defined macro files, located in the cf/ostype subdirectory. Most common OSes are already pre-defined. While this is handy, be aware that some of the definitions may contain settings that you may not want. For example, OSTYPE(linux) defines ProcMail-related paths and FEATURE statements - while most Linuxes include the ProcMail package, if you have removed it (or didn't install it), then this may cause problems. Similarly, OSTYPE(solaris8) defines IPv6 support. If you build sendmail without IPv6 support, this may cause problems.

OSTYPE(your OS selection here)dnl

Optional, the DOMAIN macro allows you to define Domain-specific configurations. The generic Domain is pre-defined and is a simple boilerplate. You may define one or more DOMAIN macros. For each custom one that you define, a corresponding file must exist in the cf/domain directory.


You may also omit the DOMAIN macro entirely. The sample includes it and shows the generic value for illustrative purposes only.

Option Definitions

There is a wide and sometimes confusing range of Options available in sendmail. The bulk of these are defined in Chapter 24 of Sendmail, starting on Page 921 (new ones introduced in sendmail v8.13 are in the Companion). Additional Options have been added since publication of the Companion, and are documented in the various documentation files included with the source code, and on the sendmail website.

Typically, you would use Options to tweak sendmail's internal settings and/or defaults. For example, some OSTYPE macros may place the PID files in locations other than where you keep yours, or even don't create PID files. With the confPID_FILE Option, the existence, name and location of the sendmail daemon's PID file is specified, overriding any platform-specific settings inherent in the OSTYPE macro:

dnl # Sendmail, Chap 24.9.78, Page 1027
dnl # Define the name and path of the daemon's PID file

If necessary, sendmail will create its PID file(s), but the directory must already exist or sendmail will exit with an error.

Another common need is to limit the size of E-Mails. By default, sendmail will handle (or attempt to handle) any size of E-Mail. This creates the possibility of a DoS attack, where someone shovels an impossibly huge E-Mail, or series of E-mails, at your mailserver and attempts to crash the MTA or fill up the disk space. While not absolute protection, the confMAX_MESSAGE_SIZE Option will limit the maximum size of an E-Mail that sendmail will attempt to process:

dnl # Sendmail, Chap 24.9.63, Page 1013
dnl # Limit maximum size, in bytes, of any given E-Mail to 10 MB
dnl # (10485760 bytes) - checked if sender reports and again at end of DATA

Over the limit and sendmail will reject the message with a PERMFAIL error.

Finally, some Options affect the behavior of FEATURE statements defined in the next section. For example, it is possible to increase the time window during which sendmail will retain the connection records for a given host (IP), records that are used by the v8.13-specific ratecontrol and conncontrol FEATURE statements:

dnl # Sendmail v8.13 Companion, Chap 4.1.3, Page 17
dnl # Instruct daemon to maintain record of host connections for 120
dnl # seconds (default is 60; for use with ratecontrol and conncontrol)

Options that are specific to certain FEATURE statements may be defined in (or, even if the associated FEATURE is not enabled in the configuration file.


Using FEATURE macros, you turn on extra functionality in sendmail. You can also turn off functions with the undefine statement. Sendmail, Chapter 7, starting on Page 287, documents the various FEATURE macros included in sendmail, and the Companion documents those added in v8.13. FEATUREs added after publication of the Companion are documented with the sendmail source and on the website.

The configuration presented in this paper is based on the principle of “least access”, which translates into the sysadmin world as “least pieces parts” - or, “If I don't need it, turn it off, or don't turn it on”. As shown here, if you don't use certain mail protocols, you can disable support for them (does anyone still use UUCP mail?):

dnl # Disable the following features

While modern sendmail is FEATURE-rich, some useful new ones were introduced in v8.13. One of the most useful is the connection control FEATURE, which is an effective anti-SPAM/anti-mailbomb technique, and must be explicitly enabled:

dnl # Sendmail v8.13 Companion, Chap 4.1.8, Page 20
dnl # Enable access map DB feature to control the number of simultaneous
dnl # connections other hosts may have to this server; "nodelay"
dnl # causes this feature to bypass "delay_checks" and work at connection
dnl # time instead of after RCPT_TO; "terminate" means that sendmail
dnl # will immediately drop a violating connection instead of waiting
dnl # for other server to drop it; MUST appear AFTER "delay_checks"
FEATURE(`conncontrol', `nodelay', `terminate')dnl

Note that it's RFC-impolite to simply terminate connections rather than waiting for the remote host to acknowledge the disconnect. Realistically, however, this FEATURE only affects spammers, and who cares about being polite to them?

Realtime Blackhole Lists, or RBLs, are also a FEATURE. Here, sendmail is configured to check connections against the NJABL blacklist service, and, if the remote host in blacklisted, to display a custom error message as opposed to the default:

dnl # Sendmail, Chap 7.2.2, Page 297
dnl # Add NJABL BL with custom reject message
FEATURE(`enhdnsbl',`',`"ACCESS DENIED. Mail from " $&{client_addr} " refused based on information from"')dnl

Defined Macros

There are three types of Defined Macros, including compilation and configuration macros. The third type, sendmail macros, are used to represent strings of text symbolically within the .cf configuration files. You may occasionally wish to define different values from the defaults. Here, the configuration re-defines the CF_VERSION macro, which is used in the sendmail greeting banner and in the (default) Received: from header added by sendmail:

dnl # Sendmail, Chap 21.9.100, Page 834
dnl # Set the config file version in format < host >-< serial # >
define(`confCF_VERSION',`host-serial #')dnl

MAILER macros

MAILER macros define delivery agents that sendmail will use to deliver E-Mail. The stock sendmail environment supports all manner of delivery agents, including SMTP, UUCP, Decnet and ProcMail, just to name a few.

The smtp delivery agent transmits E-Mail to other hosts using ESMTP (the default), SMTP, DSMTP, and/or SMTP8. This macro also defines the relay agent. See the file mailer/smtp.m4.

The local delivery agent is used to direct E-mail for local delivery (i.e. to a mailbox on the local machine). The prog delivery agent (used to direct E-mail to a program) is also defined with this macro. The local delivery agent usually defaults to the mail.local program, but if the MAILER(procmail) macro is used, then local will usually refer to the procmail program.



Sendmail, Chapter, page 152, discusses the order in which the MAILER macros should appear. The configuration is sensitive to this order. Also, generally, MAILER(local) is a required MAILER.

Local configurations

Lastly, and optionally, you may define macros and Rulesets specific to an instance of sendmail. Such definitions can include MILTERs, setting values that are not set elsewhere (due to lack of an associated conf macro, or if you do not want to use the associated macro), and custom Rulesets, such as Check_local. See Sendmail, Chapter, page 153, concerning the location of this section.

While a full discussion of Mail Filters, or MILTERs, is outside the scope of this paper, basically a MILTER is an external program that participates in the SMTP conversation that sendmail has with a connecting host. An example is MIMEDefang [], which might be added like so:

INPUT_MAIL_FILTER(`mimedefang', `S=unix:/var/spool/defang/MIMEDefang/mimedefang.sock, F=T, T=C:30m;S:30m;R:30m;E:30m')dnl

Sometimes, it is necessary to alter the value of a standard sendmail Class macro, without using the “normal” macro defined for that purpose. As an example, consider F{VirtHost}, which defines the virtual user Domains file. Ordinarily, to specify the value of a Class F{VirtHost}, the configuration would use the VIRTUSER_DOMAIN_FILE macro (Sendmail, Chapter, page 203). However, in the specific configuration presented in this paper, there are issues with the normal process.

Because the sample file includes FEATURE(blacklist_recipients) to enable per-recipient accept/reject in the access table (see below), the fact that the standard macro also adds the Domains specified to Class {R}, which defines Domains for which sendmail will relay, becomes a problem. When used with per-recipient blacklisting, the unintended result is that RBL checks are bypassed for all Domains in Class {R}. If you want to use RBLs, per-recipient blacklisting, and you also want to use the Virtual User capabilities of modern sendmail, then you can't use the standard VIRTUSER_DOMAIN_FILE macro to populate Class F{VirtHost}.

You could give up per-recipient blacklisting, use the standard macro, and implement recipient checks some other way, perhaps with MIMEDefang, or a custom sendmail Ruleset. In keeping with a philosophy of rejecting obvious SPAM as early and often as possible, however, it helps to have the option of per-recipient blacklisting in the access table, so alternative methods must be explored.

One way to avoid this problem would be to hack cf/m4/proto.m4 and change the macros that copy the contents of F{VirtHost} into Class {R}. The trouble with that approach is maintenance - the hack would have to be replicated to every sendmail install, and also replicated between versions.

A better method, however, is to simply define Class F{VirtHost} without using the standard macro. This approach is easier to write, easier to port between machines and versions, and sidesteps the usual copy of the Domains into Class {R}. It's also easily done with this entry:

dnl # Define a file for Virtual Hosting - but do not use the
dnl # built-in VIRTUSER_DOMAIN_FILE macro, as that also
dnl # adds the Domains to RELAY_DOMAINS, and we don't want that

Finally, you can define your own entire macros. This is most frequently done to have custom rulesets, like Check_local, where you perform your own relay checking. For more information, see Sendmail, Pages 158, 159 and Chapters 19 and 25.


Your custom ruleset names should generally start with a capital letter, to avoid any possibility of name collision with sendmail's internal rulesets. It's also important to note that TAB is the delimiter between keys, spaces will not work.

Other Configuration Sources

Once you have a working (and and have built (and, you can use various other databases and files to supply run-time information to sendmail. This next section discusses those sources of information.

Database Maps

Database maps are files that are consulted as sendmail processes an E-Mail. To speed lookups, the files that sendmail references are usually in a database format, such as Berkeley DB, or GNU DB. These are built from simple text files that the sysadmin can edit, and then use a tool like makemap, or the built-in sendmail newaliases functionality, to convert the data in the text file to a file of the database type that sendmail expects.

Note that database maps are read on an as-needed basis. This means they can be updated without restarting sendmail. However, the two-step update process means that simply changing the source text file doesn't do anything. The change does not take effect until the sendmail-readable database file is rebuilt.

While purposes and keywords vary between the different database map files, the syntax of the source text files is consistent. Each has a Left-Hand Side (LHS), or key; separating whitespace; and a Right-Hand Side (RHS), or value. The whitespace may be spaces, TABs, or a combination of the two.

When sendmail consults a database map, it is looking for a particular string, trying to match it against a key, or LHS, of the database map. When it finds a matching key, the associated value, or RHS, is returned to the calling function. Generally, sendmail ceases searching the database map when the first matching key is found, so as a rule, you should construct your source text files with more-specific LHS entries first, and then generic, or default, entries further down. When converting from the source text files, the database records are added in the order they appear in the source text file.

You may insert comments into database map files, and I recommend you take advantage of this capability. makemap and newaliases both ignore blank lines, and lines beginning with a # are treated as comments and likewise ignored.

The [Reference] section contains documented samples of all the files discussed here.

The access database

The access database file is most useful for an Internet-facing relay host, but also can help protect internal mailservers. This database may be used to specify hosts and/or (not recommended) Domains that are exempt from RBL checks, create a specific E-Mail address to which RBLed senders can write to request whitelisting, reject or discard E-Mail to and/or from specific addresses/Domains, and permit relaying for specific Domains and/or hosts. If you're running v8.13 or later, you can also specify overrides for the GreetPause FEATURE, and specify per-IP, per-network and/or per Domain values to override connection limits for “friendly” hosts/Domains.

Your specific environment or host may not require all of these things, but at a minimum, if you use RBLs, you should have entries using the Connect tag (see below) to bypass RBL checks and permit relaying for your own internal hosts. Otherwise, sendmail will constantly make DNS requests to the RBL server(s), checking for your own mailservers, which is fairly pointless.

The access database is easily the most complex database map. The LHS (keys) are fronted by tags that apply the RHS (value) to a specific FEATURE. Prior to v8.14, these tags were optional; now, untagged entries in the access database are considered deprecated (they will function, but run the risk of producing unexpected or ambiguous results). The following table lists the more-common tags associated with the LHS entries, and their purpose/reference. This table is not all-inclusive, nor is all possible functionality shown in the example access entries.

access database map LHS tag reference
Tag Associated FEATURE(s) Description/Reference Example access entry
Connect enhdnsbl (Chap 7.2.2, Page 297), delay_checks (Chap 7.5.6, Page 318) Specifies LHS entries checked when a foreign host connects, and action taken for that specific host (can also specify subnets on class boundaries).

Connect:     RELAY
Connect:192.168.0    REJECT
Connect:192.168.1    ERROR:5.7.1:554 This subnet not allowed to relay

GreetPause greetpause (Companion, Chap 7.1.3, Page 51) These LHS entries are checked to see if a time delay different from the default specified in the FEATURE statement should be applied to the connecting host before the SMTP greeting banner is displayed

GreetPause:    0

ClientConn conncontrol (Companion, Chap 4.1.8, Page 20) With these LHS entries, the sendmail admin may limit the number of simultaneous connections another host (or host on a subnet) may have to the host running sendmail. A given host (or subnet) entry is kept in the table of entries for the time window specified in confCONNECTION_RATE_WINDOW_SIZE (Companion, Chap 21.1.13, Page 150). If the LHS does not specify an address/network, then the limit applies to all hosts/networks without an entry. A RHS of 0 indicates no limit.

ClientConn:    0
ClientConn:192.168.100  0
ClientConn:             2

ClientRate rateconn (Companion, Chap 4.1.7, Page 18) When this FEATURE is enabled and appropriate entries are included in the access database, the LHS entries define, by IP address, the hosts (or networks) to which the numerical limit specified in the corresponding RHS. The limit is the number of connections the remote host may have open at the same time, during the time window specified by confCONNECTION_RATE_WINDOW_SIZE (Companion, Chap 21.1.13, Page 150). If the LHS does not specify an address/network, then the limit applies to all hosts/networks without an entry. A RHS of 0 indicates no limit. Note: Prior to v8.14.2, a minor bug caused the rate condition to be met when the specified number was reached, rather than exceeded (the latter is the documented behavior). This bug did not affect how a RHS of 0 was handled.

ClientRate:    0
ClientRate:192.168.9    5
ClientRate:             2

Spam enhdnsbl (Chap 7.2.2, Page 297), delay_checks (Chap 7.5.6, Page 318) If the E-Mail is being sent to the LHS address, and the sending host is listed in an RBL, then the rule specified by the RHS is used to determine the disposition of the E-Mail (rather than the RBL result). If the RHS is FRIEND then the E-Mail is permitted to proceed, which is useful for creating an E-Mail address to which even RBLed senders can write (to request white-listing). Note that FEATURE(delay_checks) must be enabled.

Spam:whitelist.request@domain.tld    FRIEND

Note that in most cases, host/Domain names are submitted for matching before any attempt is made to match an IP address. Thus, it may be possible for an LHS entry that uses an IP address to be ignored in favor of another entry that uses a hostname, Domain name or E-Mail address.

Remember that using RELAY in the RHS will bypass all further checks for the current step in the SMTP conversation. It is generally safer to use OK in the RHS.

If you use the RBL features, it is highly recommend that you have an E-Mail address that even RBLed senders can reach - this E-Mail address should NOT appear on any web pages or anywhere else it might be easily harvested; and should probably be an alias on an interior machine. Spammers rarely pay attention to RBL error messages, so they won't see the address. Legitimate senders should get the information if their E-Mail system isn't brain-dead and strips it.


Your must include FEATURE(`delay_checks',`friend') in order for such an override to work.

Finally, don't forget to allow relay for the Domain(s) you host. You can do this with the To: tag, which will check during the RCPT TO: step in the SMTP conversation. This should not be a problem, because if the sending host is legitimately able to send E-Mail From: the Domain, it would (or should) have been permitted to relay based on an earlier Connect tag. This helps prevent spammers from relaying by pretending to be sending from a Domain you host.

The aliases database

The aliases database file is consulted by sendmail after it has determined that an E-Mail should be delivered locally. If the sendmail host is a relay host, and doesn't have any local end-user accounts, then aliases ends up being a very small file.

The most important thing to remember about the aliases database is that it is only consulted after sendmail has determined that an E-Mail is destined for a local mailbox (i.e. a mailbox hosted on the local system). While the RHS of an aliases entry can result in an E-Mail that is no longer destined for the local mailbox, this database is not consulted for E-Mails being relayed.

The domaintable database

domaintable is generally used when moving from one Domain Name to another. As a rule, most installations do not need to use domaintable, although there is no harm in creating a blank one.

The genericstable database

The genericstable database file is used to instruct sendmail to re-write the SMTP headers for outgoing E-Mail. There are several possible reasons you might wish to do this. For example, if your internal usernames are limited to 8 characters (many older *NIXs have this limit), but users want a firstname.lastname format for their E-Mail addresses, it's easy enough to do that for incoming E-Mail using virtualusertable or an aliases database, but outgoing E-Mail is not affected by those things. Another scenario would be if a mail recipient is planning to move from one Domain you host to another, this can make the change seem to have taken place before it actually does.

The mailertable database

A mailertable instructs sendmail on how to route an E-mail based on the destination Domain. mailertable is consulted when sendmail has determined that an E-mail is destined for a Domain for which it relays, and after virtualusertable has been consulted (so if maps to, that will happen first).

The syntax is similar to other databases - the left-hand side, or key that is used to match, and then the right-hand side, or value that determines what it to be done. In the case of mailertable, the keys are Domain names or FQDNs. The values consist of two parts, a mailer specification, and a hostname (FQDN), separated by a colon (however, no whitespace should be on either side of the colon, only between the key and value).

Normally, when the hostname portion of the value is an FQDN, sendmail will perform an MX lookup in DNS to resolve the IP address. However, by enclosing the hostname in square brackets, you instruct sendmail to not perform an MX record lookup for the host, but instead resolve the A record. This helps prevent mail loops. For example, if mail1.somedomain.tld is registered in DNS as the Mail eXchanger for somedomain.tld, and individual hosts in somedomain.tld do not have MX records in DNS, then when an E-Mail arrives at mail1.somedomain.tld and mailertable indicates that the final destination is userbox.somedomain.tld, the normal address resolution process would result in the mail being relayed to mail1.somedomain.tld - a loop. By configuring sendmail to lookup the A record instead of the MX record, the loop is avoided.

The value can also be an IP address, and if this is done, it should be enclosed in square brackets. When the value is an IP address, sendmail does not perform any DNS lookup.

The mailer portion of the value can be any delivery agent that sendmail supports: smtp, esmtp, uucp, whatever.

The virtusertable database

The virtusertable instructs sendmail how to map inbound E-mail from one address to another. It's consulted after aliases but before mailertable. So virtusertable tells sendmail where an E-Mail needs to go, but not how to get it there.

The keys can be either full E-Mail addresses, or Domains (when preceeded with @). Note that lookups in virtusertable are unusual in that when a match is not found on the first try, sendmail will pare down the hostname and try again. So if bob@server.mail.somedomain.tld did not match on the first pass, sendmail would chop off the server. and try to match bob@mail.somedomain.tld. This continues until the host portion of the address is pared down to a Domain and TLD; if no match occurs at that point, the lookup fails (which may or may not result in a delivery failure depending on the other tables).

The value consist of the new E-Mail address for delivery, but it is important to note that the headers are not re-written. So the receiving host must not be too picky about the To: E-Mail address in the message headers. Also, some Domain substitutions are possible, such as mapping joe@hosteddomain.tld to

Finally, the syntax of virtusertable supports wildcarding. This is demonstrated in the sample file in the [Reference] section.

Configuration Files

Unlike database maps, configuration files are simple text files. They contain one entry per line, and the nature of that entry depends on the specific file. Configuration files are read only when sendmail initializes - if they are changed, sendmail must be shut down and restarted (a SIGHUP won't do).

It is important to note that these file formats do not support comments. They are interpreted literally, and extraneous characters will only cause problems.

These files are, by default, in /etc/mail, although links may exist in /etc. The location and names of the files may be changed with various configuration macros.

The genericdomains file

This file contains all Domains, including FQDNs, for which entries exist in genericstable. If a Domain/FQDN is not listed in this file, then genericstable will not be consulted for the Domain.

The local-host-names file

The local-host-names file defines the Domains and/or FQDNs that the sendmail daemon will consider as “local”. E-Mail destined for these Domains/FQDNs will be delivered locally, and mailertable will not be consulted, even if local delivery fails. aliases and virtusertable are consulted, however. This file should not be used on a sendmail host that is functioning as a relay (i.e. has no local mailboxes).

The relay-domains file

Similar to local-host-names, the relay-domains file defines the Domains and FQDNs for which sendmail will relay, without question. E-Mail destined to these Domains will not undergo RBL checks, if they are configured. mailertable and virtusertable are consulted normally. Entries in this file will result in bypass of sendmail's RBL checks for the Domains/FQDNs.

The trusted-users file

A trusted user is a user ID (the text, not the numeric value) allowed to bypass certain security checks in sendmail (this is completely independent of other system security tools like AppArmor, Solaris RBAC, or SELinux). This is useful for programs that submit E-Mail directly to sendmail, such as mailing list managers (e.g. GNU Mailman, Majordomo). Usually, only root is listed in this file, but application package documentation may instruct you to add other UIDs.

The file

Similar to genericdomains, this file defines all Domains and FQDNs for which entries exist in the virtusertable file. Unless a Domain/FQDN is listed here, virtusertable will not be consulted for E-Mail headed to that Domain/FQDN. Note that this filename is specific to the configuration presented in this paper. If you use the “standard” VIRTUSER_DOMAIN_FILE macro, then whatever argument you give in that macro is the proper file.


While perhaps more-maligned than warranted, sendmail is a complex software package. It offers the mail system administrator an unparalleled amount of power and flexibility. The cost of those capabilities is a potentially steep learning curve - for both configuration and operation.

Like any other complex environment, you can simplify the administration by following the basics of good system management: document the environment and any changes you make; make changes incrementally; and always have a backout plan. In this respect, sendmail is no different than any other powerful software package.

Despite the fact that the m4 configuration method has been available for years, it is still regrettably common to see advice, especially from vendors, instructing mail system administrators to modify directly, instead of making changes to It's best to resist such suggestions - if necessary, convert the suggestions into macros in the LOCAL_CONFIG portion of Insist that vendors provide instructions for modern sendmail, not sendmail from last century.

Finally, learn to leverage sendmail and make it work for you. sendmail offers a great deal of power, and has a wealth of software designed to plug-in and expand its already considerable functionality.

Helpful reference materials

Sample configuration file

Sample configuration file

Sample access map database source

Sample aliases map database source

Sample domaintable map database source

Sample genericstable map database source

Sample mailertable map database source

Sample virtusertable map database source

Sendmail, Third Edition by Bryan Costales, ISBN 1-56592-839-3 (O'Reilly)
At just over 1,200 pages, this is an intimidating book, but don't let it scare you. It's not a “How to” or “For Dummies” sort of thing; instead, it's a reference for you to consult while building or configuring sendmail. It will take some time to learn how to extract information from it, but once you understand how it's put together, it's very handy. My biggest issue with this book is the inordinate amount of time/text it spends on discussing configuration of obsolete versions.

Sendmail, Third Edition []

Sendmail 8.13 Companion by Bryan Costales et. al., ISBN 0-596-00845-7 (O'Reilly)
If you're running sendmail v8.13.x, this reference book documents the new features and options available. It's a bit more concise than the original Costales book, and does a better job of explaining the nuts-and-bolts.

Sendmail 8.13 Companion []

Sendmail Cookbook by Craig Hunt, ISBN 0-596-00471-0 (O'Reilly)
A general reference for sendmail problem-solving. A bit dated now (when it was written in 2001, sendmail was at v8.12.9), it still has good information, and does a good job of explaining how sendmail “thinks” about E-Mail. While Linux-centric, it contains references to the sendmail documentation that help the reader relate functions to the sendmail documentation.

Sendmail Cookbook []

Change Log

Version Date Change
1.00 2005-Feb-20 Initial Creation
1.05 2006-Feb-16 Updated with v8.13-specific information
1.10 2006-Mar-12 Added Myths section; re-published
1.11 2006-Mar-28 Fixed typos; documented changes
1.12 2006-Mar-31 Began adding access database map reference table
1.15 2006-Apr-11 Minor additions and corrections
1.17 2006-Apr-16 Additions to access database map table, and to Reference materials
1.18 2006-Apr-18 Fixed typos and formatting errors
1.19 2006-Apr-20 Added section for Summary; minor text edits
1.20 2006-Apr-22 Completed Summary; expanded aliases description
1.25 2006-May-11 Added clarification to why the sample configuration avoids the the standard VIRTUSER macro in favor of a custom one
1.30 2006-Jun-16 Minor text edits and formatting changes; reconciled with PDF version
1.31 2006-Jul-27 Added admonishment to upgrade to sendmail v8.13
1.40 2007-Jan-19 Updated with information about new sendmail versions; fixed minor typos; clarified some language
1.41 2007-Mar-19 Fixed URL in Footnote #13; deleted stray comma in headers (PDF only)
1.45 2007-Jun-07 Updated for v8.14; updated sample files; fixed minor typos; added Before You Begin section
1.50 2007-Nov-11 Updated for v8.14.2; added Vendor section; minor additions/corrections

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© 2005-2007 David Bank