############################## # Author: A-NAME-HERE # File: /etc/mail/virtusertable # Change Log: # Who When What # ---- ----------- -------------------------------------------- # # # Syntax: # # # # where keys are either a full E-Mail address, or the portion of # the E-Mail address to the right of the @ symbol (including # the @ symbol), and the value is the new address # # # Allows on-the-fly re-routing of mail, but does NOT # change headers. # # This is consulted AFTER /etc/mail/aliases # # See Sendmail, Chap 4.8.51, Page 201 ############################## # Route specific user's E-Mail to a specific host bob@somedomain.tld bob@mailhost.somedomain.tld joe@somedomain.tld joe@server1.somedomain.tld # Redirect E-mail between hosted Domains fred@domainx.tld fred@zdomain.tld # Map "system" addresses to specific addresses postmaster@somedomain.tld bob@mail.somedomain.tld # Reject all E-Mail to a Domain not longer hosted @formerdomain.tld ERROR:nouser 550 No such user here # Direct all E-mail to a specific Domain to a single address @specialdomain.tld special@somedomain.tld # Wildcard Example: # Direct E-Mail to addresses in a specific Domain to a specific # host, but retain the user name @redirected.tld %1@somedomain.tld # Map between username formats john.smith@somedomain.tld jsmith@mail.somedomain.tld #################################### ## End of /etc/mail/virtusertable ## ####################################