[Why?] [How-To] [Tips] [Reference]
The Linux/UNIX environment tends to classify users in two ways:
Many system tasks, such as starting a process that binds to a port number of 1024 or less, or stopping a process running under a different UID, require root privilege. Typically, these tasks can only be done by someone able to login as root, or someone who knows the root password and invokes the su utility to escalate their privilege.
The trouble with those methods is that the person performing those tasks must know the root password. The escalation of their privilege level is complete and unrestricted, which means that they can do anything, not just specific tasks. It's also impossible to effectively log or audit actions taken.
A better solution is a privilege escalation technique that controls both the escalation and to what commands/programs it applies. An excellent tool to do this is GratiSoft's sudo [sudo.ws].
Using sudo, a system administrator could allow certain users to invoke processes that require privilege - for example, a trusted user might be allowed to reconfigure and restart an Apache webserver, or a “guest” admin might be empowered to restart the entire system. But neither one could perform the task allowed the other. And, such operations can be securely logged.
sudo vs. Solaris RBACIn Solaris 8, Sun introduced Role-Based Access Control (RBAC), and it provides much of the same functionality as sudo. A good Solaris RBAC primer can be found in Ross Oliver's helpful SysAdmin Magazine article [samag.com]. So, if you have Solaris in your environment, which tool should you use?
The chief advantages of Solaris RBAC are tight integration with NIS/NIS+, and arguably better support for Solaris Zones and Process Contracts (sudo added support for Solaris Process Contracts in v1.6.9). However, Solaris RBAC tends to be more-complex to configure and manage than sudo.
What is the answer to the question? In the heterogeneous environment, sudo shines; in a Solaris-dominant environment, however, RBAC may be as good as or even better a secure privilege escalation tool as sudo. In any environment having a substantial Solaris host population, RBAC should be seriously considered.
sudo is a Free/Open-Source Software (FOSS) package. Many modern Linux/UNIX distributions include a pre-built sudo, or have sites where you can download installable packages. sudo is a package that I prefer to build from source, so this paper covers those steps.
Why Not Packages?Common practice in the Linux/UNIX world is to install pre-built packages, usually provided by the platform vendor or distribution maintainer, rather than to build from source. Where a package is not part of the “official” offering, it is often available from a 3rd party (e.g. the package author, a site like SunFreeware [sunfreeware.com], or other independent repository). Practically every modern Linux/UNIX distribution includes a pre-built sudo.
Why, then, does this paper take the build-from-source approach?
When using a pre-built package, one must accept whatever compile-time configuration decisions were made by the package creator. These parameters may or may not be adjustable at run-time, and compile-time options selected by the package creator may or may not be appropriate to a specific environment. Building from source allows tailoring the software. As with any other system administration decision, weigh the factors in the environment and choose a course of action.
If you're using a pre-built package, you can skip past the compilation and installation notes. You should follow the package installation documentation, and what I can offer you is mainly configuration tips. The current version, as of this writing, is sudo v1.6.9.
What About Deployment Tool/Technique X?Administrators accustomed to working in a homogenous environment may wonder why this paper does not mention or advocate the use of specific tools for deployment beyond a single machine, or uses techniques that might seem problematic when viewed from a specific environment perspective. A reader might find themselves thinking “Why not just use <insert tool name here>?” or “That suggestion doesn't make sense in <insert specific environment name here>!!”
This paper is deliberately written for a generic audience, where a reader may be interested in applying the information presented in diverse environments, perhaps other than a typical Linux distribution or common UNIX variant. As a consequence, it offers ideas culled from a number of environments. The reader is encouraged to consider those ideas, techniques and tools that are applicable to their situation, and to ignore those that are not.
Standards and AssumptionsThis paper's assumptions, for those wishing to build from source, include the use of a modern Linux or UNIX (or UNIX-like) operating system, the ability to run shell scripts, compile C code (with GNU gcc or an equivalent), copy and/or link files, and set file modes and ownership. While some of these tasks require root privilege, you should only invoke that when you specifically need it (for example, most compilation steps can probably be accomplished as an unprivileged user).
Every system admin has their own way of doing things, and their own sense of where to put files. This paper is written from my perspective on these issues, which may be different from the maintainers of the pre-built packages. Select whatever file location scheme for this tool that is appropriate to your environment, and if necessary translate my paths and locations into the scheme you select.
My personal environment is usually either SLES v9 (or later) with gcc v3.3.3 (or later), RHEL v4 (or later) with gcc v3.4.6 or Sun Solaris v8 (or later) with gcc v3.3.2 (or later). Other tools common to both include make v3.8x and nano v2.0.x. I tend to use the stock development tools such as ld, ar, yacc and lex. I tend to create a sub-directory structure specifically for building add-on tools, generally /work. Make sure the partition where this is located has adequate room.
I usually install add-on tools, like sudo, in a sub-directory off of /opt, and then use symbolic links in /usr/bin or wherever else might be needed. This allows me to control access better than if everything is dumped in /usr/local. I prefer symbolic links because I frequently make /opt its own partition, and I can “snap-in” a newer version of a tool with a few "mv" commands, since the link is merely a pointer to a path and file name (a hard link points to the inode entry and can't cross partition boundaries).
Download and unpack the sourceHowever might be appropriate for your environment, download the latest sudo source package. I download mine into /work/sudo:
me@host /work 2 $ dir
drwx------ 2 me wheel 512 Jul 17 23:32 sudo/
me@host /work 3 $ cd sudo
me@host /work/sudo 4 $ dir
-rw------- 1 me wheel 557692 Jul 17 19:47 sudo-1.6.9.tar.gz
If your tar program includes the ability to decompress gzip-ed files, then you can use it directly, or you can call gzip as a separate step on the way to un-taring the file. Here, I'm showing the latter method, and writing three commands separated by semi-colons:
me@host /work/sudo 5 $ gzip -dv *.gz ; tar -xvf*.tar ; gzip -v9 *.tar
The commands will decompress the file, unpack the tarfile, then recompress the tarfile using the best compression offered by gzip. No sense wasting disk space leaving the uncompressed tarfile around. If you have it handy, substitute bzip2 [bzip.org] for gzip - the compression results tend to be better.
The source files now reside in a directory named very similar to the file from which everything was extracted. If you, like me, use the autocompletion capability of your shell, this can be annoying. So I usually change the directory name to something short:
me@host /work/sudo 9 $ mv sudo-1.6.8p12 V1.6.8p12
me@host /work/sudo 10 $ dir
-rw------- 1 me wheel 557692 Jul 17 19:47 sudo-1.6.9.tar.gz
-rwx------ 1 me wheel 512 Jul 17 19:47 V1.6.9/
Now autocompletion won't beep at me. I can get ready for the next step with:
me@host /work/sudo 11 $ cd V*Compilation
me@host /work/sudo/V1.6.9 12 $
Helpfully, sudo uses the ubiquitous GNU autoconf configuration tool. The script configure will automatically examine your system, check dependencies, and prepare sudo to be compiled with a built-in set of defaults.
However, an advantage of building from source is the opportunity to tweak things a bit. For example, the default location of the sudo binary is /usr/local, and as I noted above, I prefer /opt/sudo. You can see all the possible configuration options, and their defaults, with the “--help” parameter:
me@host /work/sudo/V1.6.9 13 $ ./configure --help
This will show you a lot of information, but won't actually configure or compile anything. What you might change from the defaults is largely dependent on your preferences and standards in your environment.
I like to change a number of the defaults, which I can do from the command-line when I invoke the configure script:
me@host /work/sudo/V1.6.9 14 $ ./configure --prefix=/opt/sudo \--sysconfdir=/opt/sudo/conf --with-umask=077 \
--with-mailto=< my standard address > \
--disable-root-sudo --with-editor=/usr/bin/rnano:/sbin/vi \
--with-env-editor --with_logging=syslog --with-logfac=local0 \
--with-goodpri=notice --with-badpri=alert --with-ignore-dot
Why these particular options and settings? Glad you asked that:
--prefix=/opt/sudoSee my previous discussion about file locations.
--sysconfdir=/opt/sudo/confWithout this, the location of the sudoers configuration file would be in /opt/sudo/etc. As time-honored as etc is, I prefer the more-descriptive conf.
--umask=077Nomally, the environment spawned by sudo can inherit the UMASK of the user environment in existence at the time sudo was invoked. And that UMASK could be anything. I prefer to force the UMASK of all sudo-spawned environments to the very restrictive 077.
--with-mailto=< my standard address >In its configuration, sudo can be set up to send an E-Mail when certain suspicious events occur, such as an unauthorized account trying to use sudo, or an authorized account trying to access an unauthorized command. If you use this option, substitute an appropriate E-Mail address for < my standard address >, and be sure to check that it routes properly.
--disable-root-sudoI have a hard time imagining why root would need to run sudo in most environments. My general goal with sudo is to get as close as possible to obviating the root account.
--with-editor=/usr/bin/rnano:/sbin/viIf you don't specify editors, you get stuck using vi. Yes, vi is the One True Editor, but it's also a pain. I like nano [nano-editor.org] as a nice middle-ground between the rich world of emacs and the terse obtuseness of vi. Helpfully, nano has a restricted invocation mode (rnano) that overrides the configuration files, disables suspension or shell escape, and sharply limits file operations. sudo will use the first editor listed that exists, but this can be modified with the next option.
--with-env-editorThis option allows sudo to honor the $EDITOR and $VISUAL environment variables, subject to further configuration in the sudoers file. It is important to only use this option in conjunction with the previous one, as allowing sudo to honor any value in those variables can create a security hole.
--with-logging=syslogUsing this option instructs sudo to log its events to the standard syslog interface. The next three options further configure this.
--with-logfac=local0With this, sudo will use Facility LOCAL0 when writing to syslogd. Linux admins may prefer AUTHPRIV, although most Linux-based OpenSSH configurations for sshd log to AUTHPRIV and you may not want to mix them.
--with-goodpri=noticeThis option tells sudo to use Priority NOTICE when writing “routine” messages to syslogd. An example would be a notification that an authorized user has run an authorized command. Any valid Priority may be used.
--with-badpri=alertOpposite the previous option, this option instructs sudo to use Priority ALERT when writing to syslogd for “abnormal“ events, such as an unauthorized user trying to use sudo, or an authorized user trying to run a command they are not allowed. Any valid Priority may be used.
--with-ignore-dotA very important option, this tells sudo to ignore any . in $PATH variables. There shouldn't be any of those in $PATH variables, but if there are, sudo will ignore them.
At this point, the configure script should have been run, with any options you wanted. For the purposes of this paper, the assumption is made that it ran to completion without any errors. If it had problems, you need to fix them and re-run configure. Among other things, configure will generate Makefile in the same directory, and this is used for the rest of the process.
You're now ready to compile sudo:
me@host /work/sudo/V1.6.9 21 $ make
This starts the compilation process. Troubleshooting compilation issues is outside the scope of this article, and again the assumption is made that sudo has been successfully compiled and you are ready to proceed to the next stage.
Installation and ConfigurationIf you've gotten to this point without any problems, the rest of the process should be equally trouble-free. To actually install the program files, you need to have root privilege because, among other things, you'll be setting SUID bits in file modes, and usually only root can do that. So, invoke su:
me@host /work/sudo/V1.6.9 25 $ su
Now that you are privileged, install the program:
# make install
Again, troubleshooting installation error messages are outside the scope of this article. You'll just have to look at the message(s) and figure it out for yourself. If there are no errors, it's a good idea to check the results, which should look like this:
# ls -la /opt
drwxr-xr-x 7 root other 512 Jul 17 21:04 sudo/
# ls -la /opt/sudo/bin
---s--x--x 2 root root 110488 Jul 17 21:04 sudo*
---s--x--x 2 root root 110488 Jul 17 21:04 sudoedit*
# ls -la /opt/sudo/sbin
---x--x--x 1 root root 75816 Jul 17 21:04 visudo*
# ls -la /opt/sudo/conf
-r--r----- 1 root root 4193 Jul 17 21:04 sudoers
# ls -la /opt/sudo/libexec
-rw-r--r-- 1 root other 2768 Jul 17 21:04 sudo_noexec.a
-rw------- 1 root other 804 Jul 17 21:04 sudo_noexec.la
-rwx------ 1 root other 8088 Jul 17 21:04 sudo_noexec.so*
# ls -la /opt/sudo/man
drwxr-xr-x 2 root other 512 Jul 17 21:04 man1m/
drwxr-xr-x 2 root other 512 Jul 17 21:04 man4/
# ls -la /opt/sudo/man/man1m
-r--r--r-- 2 root root 25830 Jul 17 21:04 sudo.1m
-r--r--r-- 2 root root 25830 Jul 17 21:04 sudoedit.1m
-r--r--r-- 1 root root 12099 Jul 17 21:04 visudo.1m
# ls -la /opt/sudo/man4
-r--r--r-- 1 root root 57562 Jul 17 21:04 sudoers.4
Your primary concern should be checking the ownership and modes. Most important are the SUID bits on the sudo and sudoedit executables.
If everything is correct, and you've installed sudo into a location not normally in your $PATH (like /opt/sudo), then you'll probably want to link the files to /usr/bin or wherever is appropriate, like so:
# ln -s /opt/sudo/bin/sudo /usr/bin/sudo
# ln -s /opt/sudo/bin/sudoedit /usr/bin/sudoedit
# ln -s /opt/sudo/sbin/visudo /usr/sbin/visudo
# ln -s /opt/sudo/man/man1m/sudo.1m /usr/share/man/man1m/sudo.1m
# ln -s /opt/sudo/man/man1m/sudoedit.1m /usr/share/man/man1m/sudoedit.1m
# ln -s /opt/sudo/man/man1m/visudo.1m /usr/share/man/man1m/visudo.1m
# ln -s /opt/sudo/man/man4/sudoers.4 /usr/share/man/man4/sudoers.4
The appropriate links/paths for your environment may be different.
Finally, you want to edit to the sudoers configuration file. The file installed by default is quite sparse, and also not well-documented. There are probably a number of things you want to do, but at the very least, give your usual unprivileged account the ability to edit sudoers. You're still privileged, so simply:
# edit /opt/sudo/conf/sudoers
The [Reference] section has a sample sudoers file that is a little better documented.
Exit the root shell:
# exit
me@host /work/sudo/V1.6.9 26 $ which sudo
Congratulations, sudo is now installed.
Tips for using sudo effectively1) Keep sudo updated: Common advice for sysadmins is to keep your systems patched and your add-on programs updated. However, that advice is especially applicable to a tool like sudo. Bookmark the sudo website and check it regularly for updates and bug notifications, or subscribe to the sudo announcements mailing list. If you use a pre-built package, then still check the sudo site for updates so you know when to check with the package maintainer. The point is not to be passive - proactively keep up with changes to sudo.
2) Don't be deceived by simplicity: sudo is powerful, but when you get down to it, it's a fairly simple tool. Don't let its simplicity deceive you into being careless in its configuration.
3) Locate sudo appropriately: If you put sudo somewhere other than /usr/local, in a subdirectory structure to which you can control access (I'll stick with my example of /opt/sudo), then you can easily restrict filesystem access to sudo to those accounts that can legitimately use it. For example, let's say that you create the group cansudo in /etc/group, and put everyone who can legitmately use sudo in that group (this is independent of whether or not you leverage the group in your sudoers file). You can set the ownership of /opt/sudo to root:cansudo with mode 750. Anyone not in cansudo is now blocked from the entire subdirectory structure. They can't even read the man pages. A side effect is that even if someone is listed in the sudoers file as a legitmate user of sudo, they won't be able to actually use it without being in cansudo.
Note: There are, of course, ways around such a limitation. In particular, a skilled attacker with local shell access may be able to gain the necessary group membership. However, this technique can foil remote attacks made without local shell access, and will certainly discourage the casual “noodler”.
4) Leverage the simplicity: The heart and soul of sudo is the sudoers file. If you take the time to write the file well, then a single “standard” file can be distributed across multiple systems, even multiple OSes/architectures. Subsequent changes across multiple hosts can be accomplished with tools like sed, the standard content of the sudoers file enabling you to script changes.
5) Use filesystem options: If your environment is such that you can make use of the nosuid option when mounting filesystems, then putting sudo in /opt (or under /usr) might not be the best idea. Consider having a partition specifically for SUID programs like sudo, and mounting /opt (which I tend to use for other tools as well) with the nosuid option. This helps segregate programs that use the security-problematic SUID bit into their own filesystem, and allows you to mount other filesystems without SUID support. If you are able to make your filesystem environment this granular, then also consider mounting the partition where sudo is kept as read-only.
6) Use extra caution with scripts and sudo: Be very careful, if not downright paranoid, about using sudo in conjunction with shell scripts, such as start/stop scripts commonly found in /etc/init.d or similar locations. Insure that such scripts are owned by root and are mode 755, 750 or more restrictive. The danger here is that is an otherwise unprivileged user can edit a script available for execution with sudo, then they can execute any command at the privilege level afforded by sudo. For example, consider an environment with an application, located in /opt/someapp, where the app's daemon is controlled by the script /opt/someapp/bin/control.sh, which is available to be run as root using sudo. User bob is the app “owner” with unprivileged shell access. If bob can edit the control script, then he can easily insert a statement into the script, and it will be executed as root. One pernicious act might be to code a small sed statement that changed Bob's account UID to 0, making bob a root-equivalent account.
7) sudoers can override compile-time options: Be aware that entries in sudoers can override any compile-time options you set, including the ones presented in this article. If you compile from source, then you are, of course, free to edit the source code so that the configuration file parser ignores entries you don't want overridden. More practically, this is simply something to keep in mind when constructing your sudoers file.
Never configure sudo to allow execution, as root, of a script (or other program file) that is editable/writable by an unprivileged user. Additionally, it is dangerous to allow execution of shell-escape-enabled programs, such as editors, through sudo. Only do so when necessary, and then only with strict limits (preferably further enforced by the program).
The sample sudoers file included in with the program is a bare-bones framework, and not all that well documented. Here is a documented template that is most-apropos for Solaris, but is easily adapted for other platforms (modify the various Cmnd_Alias entries):
This simple shell script automates running the configure script with the options suggested above
Change Log
Version | Date | Change |
1.00 | 2006-Jan-19 | Initial Creation |
1.05 | 2006-Mar-31 | Fixed typos; minor formatting edits; documented changes |
1.10 | 2006-Apr-11 | Added more tips; more minor formatting edits |
1.15 | 2006-May-09 | Added more tips; corrected typos; minor formatting changes |
1.20 | 2006-May-11 | Fixed an oversight where references to the nano editor did not specify the more-modern version that has a restricted mode |
1.21 | 2006-May-17 | Clarified that the configuration file can override compile-time options |
1.22 | 2006-May-23 | Minor formatting changes |
1.25 | 2006-Jun-16 | Minor formatting changes |
1.30 | 2006-Jun-17 | Reconciled with PDF version |
1.40 | 2007-Jan-09 | Minor updates and formatting changes |
1.41 | 2007-Jan-10 | Added link for nano; clarified that the sample sudoers file is derived from a Solaris environment |
1.45 | 2007-Apr-25 | Added information about Solaris RBAC and inclusion of bzip2 in Solaris 9; minor updates and formatting changes; revised Tip 4 to be more practical; updated nano version |
1.46 | 2007-May-03 | Minor text and formatting changes |
1.47 | 2007-May-05 | Updated development environment info; minor typo fixes |
1.48 | 2007-May-13 | Minor text updates |
1.50 | 2007-Jul-18 | Updated for sudo v1.6.9; fixed copyright statement; updated link to sudo website; added reference to announcements mailing list; recomposed section on Solaris RBAC; updated screen capture texts |
1.70 | 2007-Dec-15 | Minor text changes; fixed Footnotes; sync version number |
© 2007 David Bank