# -*- Perl -*- #*********************************************************************** # /path/to/mimedefang/conf/mimedefang-filter # # Filter configuration for MIMEDefang # # Change Log: # Who When What # ---- ---------- ---------------------------------------------- # # #*********************************************************************** ###################### ## Global Variables ## ###################### # Set the Filter version (in this example, it matches the version of # the paper associated with this file) $FilterVersion=1.50; #*********************************************************************** # Set administrator's e-mail address here. The administrator receives # quarantine messages and is listed as the contact for site-wide # MIMEDefang policy. #*********************************************************************** $AdminAddress = 'postmaster@yourdomain.tld'; $AdminName = "Domain Postmaster"; #*********************************************************************** # Set the e-mail address from which MIMEDefang quarantine warnings and # user notifications appear to come. $DaemonAddress = 'mimedefang@fqdn.yourdomain.tld'; #*********************************************************************** # If you set $AddWarningsInline to 1, then MIMEDefang tries *very* hard # to add warnings directly in the message body (text or html) rather # than adding a separate "WARNING.TXT" MIME part. If the message # has no text or html part, then a separate MIME part is still used. #*********************************************************************** $AddWarningsInline = 0; #*********************************************************************** # To enable syslogging of virus and spam activity, add the following # to the filter: # md_graphdefang_log_enable(); # You may optionally provide a syslogging facility by passing an # argument such as: md_graphdefang_log_enable('local4'); If you do this, be # sure to setup the new syslog facility (probably in /etc/syslog.conf). # An optional second argument causes a line of output to be produced # for each recipient (if it is 1), or only a single summary line # for all recipients (if it is 0.) The default is 1. # Comment this line out to disable logging. #*********************************************************************** # md_graphdefang_log_enable('mail', 1); #*********************************************************************** # Instruct MIMEDefang to use the local3 syslog Facility # This is used by the md_syslog routine # Within this sample filter file, md_syslog is used *extensively* to # track filter progress and logic flow - you may not want such # extensive logging in a production environment, but while # designing and testing your filter it helps make sure it actually # does what you intend #*********************************************************************** $SyslogFacility = "local3"; #*********************************************************************** # Uncomment this to block messages with more than 50 parts. This will # *NOT* work unless you're using Roaring Penguin's patched version # of MIME tools, version MIME-tools-5.411a-RP-Patched-02 or later. # # WARNING: DO NOT SET THIS VARIABLE unless you're using at least # MIME-tools-5.411a-RP-Patched-02; otherwise, your filter will fail. #*********************************************************************** $MaxMIMEParts = 50; #*********************************************************************** # Manual Overrides # Make entries in this section to manully override compile-time # feature selection (such as AV scanners) #*********************************************************************** $Features{'Virus:CLAMD'} = 1; $ClamdSock = "/var/spool/defang/MIMEDefang/clamd.sock"; ###################### # WARNING: Do NOT uncomment the "Features" line below! MD will break! # Since SA is an auto-detected module, there is no need for "force" # MD to detect it. MD will puke and claim SA is not installed #$Features{'SpamAssassin'} = 1; ###################### ############################### # Declare a Hash of IP addresses we consider internal # Key - IP Address # Value - Flag indicating if host is allowed to skip AV checks (0=No, 1=Yes) ############################### @OurHosts=( "", 0, "", 1 ); # Flags for program flow checks $OurHost=0; $SkipHost=0; ############################### # Declare a Hash of hosted Domain Names # Key - Domain Name # Value - Flag indicating as to if Domain accepts mail (0=No, 1=Yes) ############################### %OurDomains=( "yourdomain.tld", 1, "somedomain.tlf", 0 ); # Variable to hold flag $InboundDomain=0; ############################### # Declare an array of RBL servers, timeout (in seconds) for responses, and maximum number # of positive RBL response before we don't care any more ############################### @RBL_list=qw( sbl.spamhaus.org dnsbl.njabl.org bl.spamcop.net cbl.abuseat.org ); $RBL_timeout=8; $RBL_max=3; $RBL_filename="RBL"; #*********************************************************************** # Set various stupid things your mail client does below. #*********************************************************************** # Set the next one if your mail client cannot handle multiple "inline" # parts. $Stupidity{"NoMultipleInlines"} = 0; ############################# ## Initialize SpamAssassin ## ############################# # Detect and load Perl modules detect_and_load_perl_modules(); # Remove any existing SA object undef ($SASpamTester); # Define the path to the SpamAssassin config for MD $path_sa_conf = "/opt/mimedefang/conf/sa-mimedefang.cf"; # Initialize SA with the specified config file spam_assassin_init($path_sa_conf); # Force the SA rules to be compiled immediately spam_assassin_init()->compile_now(1); # Enable auto-whitelisting #use Mail::SpamAssassin::DBBasedAddrList; #my $awl = Mail::SpamAssassin::DBBasedAddrList->new(); #$SASpamTester->set_persistent_address_list_factory($awl) if defined($awl); # Set the max size (in KB) for SpamAssassin scans # Messages larger than 100KB are extremely unlikely to be spam, # and SpamAssassin is dreadfully slow on very large messages. $SAScanSizeLimit = 100 * 1024; ######################### ## Start of Procedures ## ######################### # This procedure returns true for entities with bad filenames. sub filter_bad_filename { my($entity) = @_; my($bad_exts, $re); # Bad extensions $bad_exts = '(ade|adp|app|asd|asf|asx|bas|bat|chm|cmd|com|cpl|crt|dll|exe|fxp|hlp|hta|hto|inf|ini|ins|isp|jse?|lib|lnk|mdb|mde|msc|msi|msp|mst|ocx|pcd|pif|prg|reg|scr|sct|sh|shb|shs|sys|url|vb|vbe|vbs|vcs|vxd|wmd|wms|wmz|wsc|wsf|wsh|\{[^\}]+\})'; # Do not allow: # - CLSIDs {foobarbaz} # - bad extensions (possibly with trailing dots) at end $re = '\.' . $bad_exts . '\.*$'; return 1 if (re_match($entity, $re)); # Look inside ZIP files if (re_match($entity, '\.zip$') and $Features{"Archive::Zip"}) { my $bh = $entity->bodyhandle(); if (defined($bh)) { my $path = $bh->path(); if (defined($path)) { return re_match_in_zip_directory($path, $re); } } } return 0; } #*********************************************************************** # %PROCEDURE: filter_relay # %ARGUMENTS: # IP address of remote host; hostname of remote host # %RETURNS: # 2 element array (see documentation) # %DESCRIPTION: # Called after SMTP connection has been established but before HELO, # MAIL FROM: or RCPT TO: #*********************************************************************** sub filter_relay () { # Read the parameters passed to the function my($hostip, $hostname) = @_; # If the connecting host is our own host, don't bother looking further if ( exists($OurHosts{$hostip} ) ) { md_syslog('info', "[FC00] Connection from Internal Host $hostip"); } else { md_syslog('info', "[FC01] Connection from Foreign Host $hostip"); } return('CONTINUE', 'ok'); } #*********************************************************************** # %PROCEDURE: filter_helo # %ARGUMENTS: # IP address of remote host; hostname of remote host; HELO string # presented by remote host # %RETURNS: # 2-5 element array (see documentation) # %DESCRIPTION: # Called after SMTP connection has been established and sending host has # given a HELO statement, but not MAIL FROM: or RCPT TO: #*********************************************************************** sub filter_helo () { # Read the parameters passed to the function my($hostip, $hostname, $helo) = @_; # Local variables my($testdomain); # If the connecting host is our own host, don't bother looking further if ( exists($OurHosts{$hostip}) ) { md_syslog('info', "[FH00] Accepted Internal Host $hostip HELO $helo"); return('CONTINUE', 'ok'); } else { md_syslog('info', "[FH01] Foreign Host $hostip HELO $helo"); } # Check if the HELO is an IP address or hostname or whatever if ($helo =~ /^(\[?)(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})(\]?)$/ ) { # HELO looks like an IP - the comparison will split the string # into 3 variables; $1 will have [ or be undefined, $2 will # have the IP address without any brackets, $3 will have # ] or be undefined ($1 and $3 are undefined if HELO lacked # square brackets) md_syslog('info', "[FH02] IP HELO $helo"); # Check #0 # The IP address portion should *not* be identical to the # original HELO string - if it is, the original HELO lacked # brackets and therefore is invalid (this is "safer" than # trying to evaluate $1 and $3 directly, as they may be # undefined, or have garbage from a previous iteration) if ( $2 eq $helo ) { # Reject connection - invalid HELO md_syslog('alert', "[FH03] Invalid HELO $helo by Host $hostip"); return('REJECT', "INVALID HELO/EHLO: $helo is not valid [FH03]"); } # Check #1 # Since the HELO was an IP address, it should match the host's IP if ( $2 ne $ip ) { # Reject connection - fraudulent HELO md_syslog('alert', "[FH04] Fraudulent HELO $helo by Host $hostip"); return('REJECT', "FRAUDULENT HELO/EHLO: $helo is not $hostip [FH04]"); } } else { # HELO looks like a host name string md_syslog('info', "[FH05] Non-IP HELO $helo"); # Check #2 # If the HELO is a Domain Name, it will contain at least one "." if ( index($helo, '.') == -1 ) { # Reject connection - invalid HELO md_syslog('alert', "[FH05] Invalid HELO $helo by Host $hostip"); return('REJECT', "INVALID HELO/EHLO: $helo is not valid [FH05]"); } # Check #3 # If HELO is an FQDN, it should not contain "localhost" if ( $helo =~ /localhost/i ) { # Reject connection - invalid HELO md_syslog('alert', "[FH06] Invalid HELO $helo by Host $hostip"); return('REJECT', "INVALID HELO/EHLO: $helo is not valid [FH06]"); } # Check #4 # If the HELO is an FQDN, the index and rindex of "." will not be the same if ( index($helo, '.') == rindex($helo, '.') ) { # Reject connection - invalid HELO md_syslog('alert', "[FH07] Non-FQDN HELO $helo by Host $hostip"); return('REJECT', "INVALID HELO/EHLO: $helo is not FQDN [FH07]"); } # Check #5 # HELO should not be a hosted Domain if ( exists($OurDomains{$helo})) { # Reject connection - fraudulent HELO md_syslog('alert', "[FH08] Fraudulent HELO $helo by Host $hostip"); return('REJECT', "FRAUDULENT HELO/EHLO: $hostip is not $helo [FH08]"); } } # End of IF # At this point, we've eliminated all the obvious fraudulent HELOs # HELO has passed all checks md_syslog('alert', "[FH09] Accepted Foreign HELO $helo by Host $hostip"); return('CONTINUE', 'ok'); } # End of filter_helo #*********************************************************************** # %PROCEDURE: filter_sender # %ARGUMENTS: # Sender E-Mail address; IP address of remote host; hostname of remote # host; HELO string presented by remote host # %RETURNS: # 2-5 element array (see documentation) # %DESCRIPTION: # Called after SMTP connection has been established and sending host has # given a HELO statement and MAIL FROM:, but not RCPT TO: #*********************************************************************** sub filter_sender () { # Read the variables passed to the function my($sender, $hostip, $hostname, $helo) = @_; # Local work variables my($domainmismatch_flag) = 0; my($testdomain, $workdomain, $workstring, @workarray); # Variables for RBL checks my($rblserver, $rblresult, $rblfile_ok); my($rblscore, $tempfail_flag)=0; my($rblhash); # If the connecting host is our own host, don't bother looking further if ( exists($OurHosts{$hostip}) ) { md_syslog('info', "$MsgID [FS00] Accepted Internal Host $helo Sender $sender"); return('CONTINUE', 'ok'); } else { md_syslog('info', "$MsgID [FS01] Foreign Host $helo Sender $sender"); # Copy the sender address and make it lowercase $workstring = lc($sender); # Strip out any angle brackets $workstring =~ s/^$//; # Split it into address and Domain @workarray = split(/\@/, $workstring); # Extract the Domain $testdomain=$workarray[1]; } # Check the Domain against list of our hosted Domains if ( exists($OurDomains{$testdomain}) ) { md_syslog('alert', "$MsgID [FS02] Fraudulent Sender $sender from Host $hostip"); return('REJECT', "FRAUDULENT SENDER ADDRESS: $helo is not $testdomain [FS02]"); } # We need to perform an RBL check for use in filter_recipient md_syslog('info', "$MsgID [FS03] Calling RBL checker"); $rblhash=relay_is_blacklisted_multi($ip, $RBL_timeout, $RBL_max, @RBL_list); md_syslog('info', "$MsgID [FS04] Returned from RBL checker"); # Cycle thru list of RBL server replies and evaluate foreach $rblserver (keys(%$rblhash)) { # Extract the result from the hash $rblresult=$rblhash->{$rblserver}; # If the value returned by a specific RBL server is an array, # then the RBL had a listing for this IP if (ref($rblresult) eq "ARRAY") { # Increment counter $rblscore=$rblscore + 1; md_syslog('info', "$MsgID [FS05] An RBL listed the IP (Score $rblscore - Flag $tempfail_flag)"); } else { # Value was something else if ($rblresult eq "SERVFAIL") { # A lookup failed - set a flag to TEMPFAIL the # connection if enough other RBLs has # the IP listed $tempfail_flag=1; md_syslog('info', "$MsgID [FS06] An RBL returned SERVFAIL (Score $rblscore - Flag $tempfail_flag"); } } # End of IF } # End of FOR # $rblscore now contains the number of RBLs that have listings # for the connecting IP; $tempfail_flag will be 0, or 1 # if any RBL lookup returned SERVFAIL # Check to see if HELO is an IP (we know that an IP-based HELO # will have a square bracket - if it didn't, it would # have been rejected in filter_helo) if ( index($helo, '[') != -1 ) { # It is a string # Is $workdomain a substring of $helo? if ( $workdomain =~ /$helo/ ) { # The sender Domain seems to match the HELO md_syslog('info', "$MsgID [FS07] $workdomain matched $helo"); $domainmismatch_flag=0; } else { # Hmmm...the sender Domain does not seem to match HELO md_syslog('info', "$MsgID [FS08] $workdomain did not match $helo"); $domainmismatch_flag=1; } } else { # It is an IP # We cannot evaluate Domain - leave $domainmismatch_flag at 0 md_syslog('info', "$MsgID [FS08] HELO $helo is IP - no Domain check"); $domainmismatch_flag=0; } # If the RBL score was only 1 short of the maximum, then if either # the RBL lookup had at least 1 SERVFAIL response OR the # sender Domain doesn't appear to match HELO, or both, # then increase the RBL score to the RBL maximum if ($rblscore == ( $RBL_max - 1)) { if ( $tempfail_flag || $domainmismatch_flag ) { $rblscore = $RBL_max; } } # Write the adjusted RBL score to a file in $CWD for later use $rblfile_ok = open(RBLFILE, ">$CWD/$RBL_filename"); if ($rblfile_ok) { close(RBLFILE); md_syslog('info', "$MsgID [FS09] Wrote RBL Score $rblscore to $CWD/$rbl_filename"); } else { md_syslog('error', "$MsgID [FS10] Unable to write RBL score file $CWD/$rbl_filename"); } md_syslog('info', "$MsgID [FS11] Accepted Foreign MAIL FROM: $sender from Host $hostip"); return('CONTINUE', 'ok'); } # End of filter_sender #*********************************************************************** # %PROCEDURE: filter_recipient # %ARGUMENTS: # Recipient E-Mail address; Sender E-Mail address; IP address of remote host; # hostname of remote host; first Recipient E-Mail address; HELO string presented # by remote host; sendmail mailer-host-address triple for current Recipient # %RETURNS: # 2-5 element array (see documentation) # %DESCRIPTION: # Called after SMTP connection has been established and sending host has # given a HELO statement, MAIL FROM: and RCPT TO: # Called for *each* RCPT TO: #*********************************************************************** sub filter_recipient () { # Read the variables passed to the function my($recipient, $sender, $hostip, $hostname, $first, $helo, $rcpt_mailer, $rcpt_host, $rcpt_addr) = @_; # Local work variables my($testaddress, $workstring, @workarray, @checkarray); # RBL variables my($rblscore, $rblfile_ok)=0; # If the connecting host is our own host, don't bother looking further if ( exists($OurHosts{$hostip}) ) { md_syslog('info', "$MsgID [FR00] Accepted Internal Host $helo Recipient $recipient"); return('CONTINUE', 'ok'); } else { # Extract Recipient address for comparison md_syslog('info', "$MsgID [FR01] Foreign Host $helo Recipient $recipient"); # Copy the recipient address and make it lowercase $workstring = lc($recipient); # Strip out any angle brackets $workstring =~ s/^$//; # Split it into address and Domain @workarray = split(/\@/, $workstring); # Extract the address $testaddress=$workarray[0]; } # If the recipient address is "request.whitelist", accept # and stop all further filtering if ( $testaddress == "request.whitelist" ) { md_syslog('alert', "$MsgID [FR02] Accepted Recipient $recipient from Sender $sender at Host $hostip"); return('ACCEPT_AND_NO_MORE_FILTERING', "ok"); } # Validate recipient address against destination host ($rcpt_host from sendmail triple) @checkarray = md_check_against_smtp_server($sender, $recipient, "mimedefang.yourdomain.tld", $rcpt_host); # If the address is invalid, reject the mail if ( $checkarray[0] == "REJECT" ) { md_syslog('alert', "$MsgID [FR03] Rejected mail to $recipient from $sender as invalid"); return('REJECT', "INVALID ADDRESS: $recipient is not valid [FR03]"); } # Read the RBL score from the file $rblfile_ok = open(RBLFILE, "<$CWD/$RBL_filename"); if ($rblfile_ok) { $rblscore=; md_syslog('info', "$MsgID [FR04] Read RBL Score $rblscore from $CWD/$rbl_filename"); close(RBLFILE); if ($rblscore >= $RBL_max) { md_syslog('alert', "$MsgID [FR05] Rejected mail from $sender (Host $hostip) due to multiple RBL listings"); return('REJECT', "Your host is listed on multiple RBL services - see RBL lookup at http://www.dnsstuff.com [FR05]"); } } else { md_syslog('error', "$MsgID [FR06] Error reading RBL Score from $CWD/$rbl_filename"); $rblscore=0; } # If destination host responded with TEMPFAIL and there were any RBL # hits, then TEMPFAIL the message if ( $checkarray[0] == "TEMPFAIL" ) { if ( $rblscore ) { md_syslog('alert', "$MsgID [FR07] Tempfailed mail to $recipient from $sender; TEMPFAIL from $rcpt_host, RBL score $rblscore"); return('TEMPFAIL', "Address service for $recipient not available - please try again later [FR07]"); } } # If we got here, then accept the E-Mail md_syslog('alert', "$MsgID [FR06] Accepted Foreign RCPT TO: $recipient from Host $hostip"); return('CONTINUE', 'ok'); } # End of filter_recipient #*********************************************************************** # %PROCEDURE: filter_begin # %ARGUMENTS: # $entity -- the parsed MIME::Entity # %RETURNS: # Nothing # %DESCRIPTION: # Called just before e-mail parts are processed #*********************************************************************** sub filter_begin { my($entity) = @_; md_syslog('info', "$MsgID [FB00] filter_begin: Filter v$FilterVersion processing from $Sender to $totalrcpts address(es)"); # Make sure our global variables are initialized $OurHost=0; $SkipHost=0; # If the connecting host is our own host, don't bother with header checks if ( exists($OurHosts{$RelayAddr}) ) { $OurHost=1; md_syslog('info', "$MsgID [FB01] Internal Host $RelayAddr"); # Check to see if virus scans should be skipped # (only allowed for our hosts) $SkipHost = $OurHosts{$RelayAddr}; if ($SkipHost) { md_syslog('info', "$MsgID [FB02] filter_begin: Virus Scan Exempt Host $RelayAddr"); } } else { # ALWAYS drop messages with suspicious chars in headers if ($SuspiciousCharsInHeaders) { md_syslog('alert', "$MsgID [FB03] Discarded from $Sender due to suspicious characters in header"); # md_graphdefang_log('suspicious_chars'); # action_quarantine_entire_message("Message quarantined because of suspicious characters in headers"); # Do NOT allow message to reach recipient(s) return action_discard(); } } # End of IF # If host is not allowed to skip virus scans, then scan E-Mail if ( !$SkipHost ) { # Copy original message into work directory as an # "mbox" file for virus-scanning md_copy_orig_msg_to_work_dir_as_mbox_file(); # md_syslog('info', "$MsgID [FB04] filter_begin: Submitting message to ClamAV"); # Scan for viruses using ClamAV (clamd) my($code, $category, $action) = message_contains_virus_clamd(); # md_syslog('info', "$MsgID [FB05] ClamAV returned Code $code Category $category Action $action"); # Initialize flag $FoundVirus=0; # Look to see if virus was found if ($category eq 'virus') { # Check to see if it is the test virus if ($VirusName ne 'Eicar-Test-Signature') { # Set flag telling us we found a "real" virus $FoundVirus=1; # Change the Subject: line to note the virus action_change_header('Subject', '**Virus** ' . $Subject); # Delete all previous virus-scanner headers # (some or all may be fraudulent) action_delete_all_headers('X-Virus-Status'); action_delete_all_headers('X-AntiVirus'); # Add a virus scanner header with the virus info action_add_header('X-Virus-Status', "Yes, name=$VirusName"); # Log the virus md_syslog('emerg', "$MsgID [FB06] clamd detected Virus $VirusName)"); } else { # Its just the test virus - change the subject # header and continue action_change_header('Subject', 'TEST VIRUS FOUND - ' . $Subject); } } elsif ($category ne 'ok') { # Bad news - the scanner is not working # Log the problem md_syslog('emerg', "$MsgID [FB07] clamd failed: code=$code, category=$category, action=$action"); # TEMPFAIL the message action_tempfail("Virus scanner unavailable - check back later"); } } else { # md_syslog('info', "$MsgID [FB08] Skipped virus scan for exempt host $RelayAddr"); } # End of IF $SkipHost return; } # End of filter_begin #*********************************************************************** # %PROCEDURE: filter # %ARGUMENTS: # entity -- a Mime::Entity object (see MIME-tools documentation for details) # fname -- the suggested filename, taken from the MIME Content-Disposition: # header. If no filename was suggested, then fname is "" # ext -- the file extension (everything from the last period in the name # to the end of the name, including the period.) # type -- the MIME type, taken from the Content-Type: header. # # NOTE: There are two likely and one unlikely place for a filename to # appear in a MIME message: In Content-Disposition: filename, in # Content-Type: name, and in Content-Description. If you are paranoid, # you will use the re_match and re_match_ext functions, which return true # if ANY of these possibilities match. re_match checks the whole name; # re_match_ext checks the extension. See the sample filter below for usage. # %RETURNS: # Nothing # %DESCRIPTION: # This function is called once for each part of a MIME message. # There are many action_*() routines which can decide the fate # of each part; see the mimedefang-filter man page. #*********************************************************************** sub filter { my($entity, $fname, $ext, $type) = @_; # Avoid unnecessary work by skipping this procedure # if a previous procedure has called for rejecting the E-Mail return if message_rejected(); # If a virus was found in filter_begin, then drop the MIME part # that contained it and add a warning message if ( $FoundVirus ) { # Make a log entry showing we dropped the part md_syslog('alert', "$MsgID [FF00] Dropped MIME part ($fname) containing Virus $VirusName"); return action_drop_with_warning("WARNING: The mailserver removed a file named $fname ($type) containing virus $VirusName."); } # Local variables my($head, $charset); # If the sending host is not ours, check the MIME parts if ( !$OurHost ) { # Block message/partial parts if (lc($type) eq "message/partial") { # md_graphdefang_log('message/partial'); md_syslog('alert', "$MsgID [FF01] Discarded from $Sender MIME type partial"); action_bounce("MIME type message/partial not accepted here"); return action_discard(); } if (filter_bad_filename($entity)) { md_syslog('alert', "$MsgID [FF02] Dropped MIME part ($fname) bad filename"); # md_graphdefang_log('bad_filename', $fname, $type); return action_drop_with_warning("An attachment named $fname was removed from this document as it\nconstituted a security hazard. If you require this document, please contact\nthe sender and arrange an alternate means of receiving it.\n"); } # eml is bad if it's not multipart if (re_match($entity, '\.eml')) { md_syslog('alert', "$MsgID [FF03] Dropped MIME part ($fname) attachment type .eml"); # md_graphdefang_log('non_multipart'); return action_drop_with_warning("A non-multipart attachment named $fname was removed from this document as it\nconstituted a security hazard. If you require this document, please contact\nthe sender and arrange an alternate means of receiving it.\n"); } # Look at the "charset" of the parts and reject oddball charsets $head = $entity->head; $charset = lc($head->mime_attr("content-type.charset")); if ( defined($charset) ) { if ($charset eq "ks_c_5601-1987" or $charset eq "euc-kr" or $charset eq "iso-2022-kr" or $charset eq "big5" or $charset eq "gb2312" or $charset eq "gb2312_charset") { md_syslog('alert',"$MsgID [FF04] Rejected from $Sender using charset $charset"); return ('REJECT', "CONTENT VIOLATION: Mail using character set $charset not accepted here [FF04]"); } } } # End of IF !$OurHost return action_accept(); } # End of filter #*********************************************************************** # %PROCEDURE: filter_multipart # %ARGUMENTS: # entity -- a Mime::Entity object (see MIME-tools documentation for details) # fname -- the suggested filename, taken from the MIME Content-Disposition: # header. If no filename was suggested, then fname is "" # ext -- the file extension (everything from the last period in the name # to the end of the name, including the period.) # type -- the MIME type, taken from the Content-Type: header. # %RETURNS: # Nothing # %DESCRIPTION: # This is called for multipart "container" parts such as message/rfc822. # You cannot replace the body (because multipart parts have no body), # but you should check for bad filenames. #*********************************************************************** sub filter_multipart { my($entity, $fname, $ext, $type) = @_; # Avoid unnecessary work by skipping this procedure # if a previous procedure has called for rejecting the E-Mail return if message_rejected(); if ( !$OurHost ) { if (filter_bad_filename($entity)) { md_syslog('alert', "$MsgID [FM00] Dropped MIME part ($fname) bad filename"); # md_graphdefang_log('bad_filename', $fname, $type); action_notify_administrator("A MULTIPART attachment of type $type, named $fname was dropped.\n"); return action_drop_with_warning("An attachment of type $type, named $fname was removed from this document as it\nconstituted a security hazard. If you require this document, please contact\nthe sender and arrange an alternate means of receiving it.\n"); } # eml is bad if it's not message/rfc822 if (re_match($entity, '\.eml') and ($type ne "message/rfc822")) { md_syslog('alert', "$MsgID [FM01] Dropped MIME part ($fname) attachment type .eml"); # md_graphdefang_log('non_rfc822',$fname); return action_drop_with_warning("A non-message/rfc822 attachment named $fname was removed from this document as it\nconstituted a security hazard. If you require this document, please contact\nthe sender and arrange an alternate means of receiving it.\n"); } # Block message/partial parts if (lc($type) eq "message/partial") { md_syslog('alert', "$MsgID [FM02] Discarded from $Sender MIME type partial"); # md_graphdefang_log('message/partial'); action_bounce("MIME type message/partial not accepted here"); return; } } else { # md_syslog('notice', "$MsgID [FM03] Skipped attachment checks for internal host $RelayAddr"); } # End of IF return action_accept(); } # End of filter_multipart #*********************************************************************** # %PROCEDURE: defang_warning # %ARGUMENTS: # oldfname -- the old file name of an attachment # fname -- the new "defanged" name # %RETURNS: # A warning message # %DESCRIPTION: # This function customizes the warning message when an attachment # is defanged. #*********************************************************************** sub defang_warning { my($oldfname, $fname) = @_; return "An attachment named '$oldfname' was converted to '$fname'.\n" . "To recover the file, right-click on the attachment and Save As\n" . "'$oldfname'\n"; } #*********************************************************************** # %PROCEDURE: filter_end # %ARGUMENTS: # entity -- a Mime::Entity object (see MIME-tools documentation for details) # %RETURNS: # Nothing # %DESCRIPTION: # This is called after each message part has been processed #*********************************************************************** sub filter_end { my($entity) = @_; # If you want quarantine reports, uncomment next line # send_quarantine_notifications(); # IMPORTANT NOTE: YOU MUST CALL send_quarantine_notifications() AFTER # ANY PARTS HAVE BEEN QUARANTINED. SO IF YOU MODIFY THIS FILTER TO # QUARANTINE SPAM, REWORK THE LOGIC TO CALL send_quarantine_notifications() # AT THE END!!! # No sense doing any extra work return if message_rejected(); # Local variable for creating string-based SPAM score representation my($score); # Local variable for size of messages my($totalsize)=0; # Local RBL variables my($rblfile_ok); my($rblscore)=0; # Only bother with SpamAssassin if an E-Mail is *not* originating # from inside our network if ( ! $OurHost ) { # Get size of message $totalsize = -s "./INPUTMSG"; # Call SpamAssassin to perform SPAM checking, but only scan # messages that are smaller than the limit defined above if ( $totalsize < $SAScanSizeLimit ) { md_syslog('info', "$MsgID [FE00] Message submitted to SpamAssassin"); # Call SpamAssassin # hits = E-Mail SPAM score # req = value of "required_hits" in sa-mimedefang.cf # names = names of SPAM tests that it failed # report = SA report my($hits, $req, $names, $report) = spam_assassin_check(); md_syslog('info', "$MsgID [FE01] filter_end: SpamAssassin SPAM score $hits"); } else { md_syslog('warning',"$MsgID [FE02] SpamAssassin size limit $SAScanSizeLimit exceeded by $totalsize"); my($hits)=0; my($req)=10; my($names, $report)="SA Size Bypass"; } # Read the RBL score from the file $rblfile_ok = open(RBLFILE, "<$CWD/$RBL_filename"); if ($rblfile_ok) { $rblscore=; md_syslog('info', "$MsgID [FE03] Read RBL Score $rblscore from $CWD/$rbl_filename"); close(RBLFILE); } else { md_syslog('error', "$MsgID [FE04] Error reading RBL Score from $CWD/$rbl_filename"); } # Boost SPAM score based on presence of virus and/or RBL score if ( $FoundVirus ) { $hits=$hits+5; } if ( $rblscore ) { $hits=$hits+$rblscore; } md_syslog('info', "$MsgID [FE05] Adjusted SPAM score $hits"); # In preparation to add the header below, we make a # string, score, where the number of asterisks in # parens is the integer part of the spam score # clamped to a maximum of 40. MUAs that cannot # filter of numeric scores can usually trigger # on a minimum number of asterisks. if ($hits < 40) { $score = "*" x int($hits); } else { $score = "*" x 40; } # Delete any existing X-Spam-Score header (may be fraudulent) action_delete_header("X-Spam-Score"); # Add a new X-Spam-Score header with the scoring info; which # looks like this: # X-Spam-Score: 6.8 (******) NAME_OF_TEST,NAME_OF_TEST... action_add_header("X-Spam-Score", "$hits of $req ($score) $names"); # Add headers that spell out how we tag SPAM action_add_header("X-Spam-Scoring", "Less than 5 not considered SPAMish"); action_add_header("X-Spam-Scoring", "From 5 to 9.99 may be SPAM"); action_add_header("X-Spam-Scoring", "10 or more considered SPAM"); # Does the SPAM score exceed limit in sa-mimedefang.cf? if ($hits >= $req) { # The SA score is over the "definitely SPAM" threshhold # Alter the SUBJECT header action_change_header("Subject", "**SPAM** $Subject"); # Log it md_syslog('info', "$MsgID [FE04] filter_end: flagged SPAM score $hits"); # md_graphdefang_log('spam', $hits, $RelayAddr); # Add the SpamAssassin report action_add_part($entity, "text/plain", "-suggest", "$report\n", "SpamAssassinReport.txt", "inline"); } else { # Check to see how SPAMy this is - at half the # "definitely SPAM" score, we mark it as "Possibly SPAM" if ( $hits >= ( $req / 2 ) ) { # The SA score is in the "possibly SPAM" area action_change_header("Subject", "Possibly SPAM: $Subject"); # Add the SpamAssassin report action_add_part($entity, "text/plain", "-suggest", "$report\n", "SpamAssassinReport.txt", "inline"); } } # End of IF } else { # md_syslog('notice', "$MsgID [FE06] Skipped all checks for internal host $RelayAddr"); } # End of IF !$OurHost # If you want to strip out HTML parts if there is a corresponding # plain-text part, uncomment the next line # remove_redundant_html_parts($entity); # md_graphdefang_log('mail_in'); # Deal with malformed MIME. # Some viruses produce malformed MIME messages that are misinterpreted # by mail clients. They also might slip under the radar of MIMEDefang. # Canonicalize all E-mail not from inside our network if ( !$OurHost ) { action_rebuild(); } } # End of filter_end ####################### ## End of Procedures ## ####################### # DO NOT delete the next line, or Perl will complain. 1;